
WOLPC are/will/ have brought the Khmer Bible in the Khmer (Cambodian) Language, into Cambodia. The translation is by Arthur Lewis Hammond completed in 1953. It is also called the “The Holy Bible in the Khmer Old Version”. It is the best translation available and it took Hammond and his team over 30 years to translate it properly starting in 1923.

Bringing in Bibles to Cambodia brings certain “Challenges”. One is weight. For example, one Bible can weigh almost 1 Kilogram.

In a Box, you can fit approximately 17-20. In a Tuk Tuk, one can fit about 10 – 15 Boxes.
In a truck like this can hold about 3000 Bibles. And in a 2 Foot Container, approximately 5000 Bibles.
Even in in single van 750 Bibles can weigh it down.
We are going to “Give away Bibles at no charge to people who do not have them and want them”.
We also Have English Bibles to give away.

Cambodian Bibles